First ClubArduino meeting: Saturday March 28th, 2009

arduinosSaturday March 28th, 2009

workshop01 – meeting02

This workshop will be an introduction to soldering, programming, sensors and other electronics in and out of the Arduino.

4:00pm: Soldering and Fabrication demos
If you haven’t built a circuit and/or want to know what some of those little bits are inside a computer, come and melt some tin/lead while learning a few more TLAs (3 letter acronyms). While this may be of interest to but a few beginners, it could also be a chance to solder up your own stuff in good company. Anyone want to build their own Arduino or assemble a shield?

5:30pm: Programming
An intro to the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with some demos and discussion. This could be a walk through of some of the rudimentary examples from the learning pages or a discussion of the more subtle implications of the Arduino’s software paradigms.

7:00pm: Project presentations/proposals and feedback
This can be a critique if you want feedback from your peers. Or it could be a demo of some cool thing you have discovered or invented. Perhaps you want to try out a new recipe on our discerning pallets? Or maybe you just want some technical advice about how to make your cool new gadget/art installation idea a reality. This section will transition into the consumption of cocktails and treats as defined by what you bring to share.

Please RSVP here

Q: What is Club Arduino?

A: Club Arduino is an excuse for people to gather and exchange ideas about teaching and learning with the Arduino

Q: What should participants bring?
A: Bring your Arduino projects, documentation, research or proposals. You may also bring other projects that are related to micro-controllers, programming or sensors and actuators. If it is a workshop meeting, please bring an Arduino board or let us know if you want to borrow one of ours.

Q: Who will be there?
A: Mostly people from our loose network of teachers and artists around the Bay Area who have an interest in interactive artworks and systems.

Q: Will there be any snacks?
Yes! Italian apéritifs and snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring something to share.

Q: I want to participate! How do I find out more information?
A: Please RSVP here or send us an email at: northp AT mac DOT com.

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